Premium Block Platform

4 min readJul 1, 2021


We are happy to unfold the concept model of the Premium Block platform. We have designed it to be very user-friendly and understand the functions easily. This MVP unfolds many built-in features that can be accessed in one place.

The followings are the key features of the Premium Block platform:


There are several features bringing all crypto users to one place. The MVP shows one of the features DEX with a quick selection option of most used token pairs which saves the time of selecting each token pair. More token pairs will be enabled after frequent usage of DEX. New features like marking favorite pairs will be enabled after launching the platform. More features will be added to the platform based on PRB user’s requests through voting.


Elegant and easy-to-use UI will make newcomers understand the platform quickly. Under “Pool”, we have 3 main sections namely create, join, and disperse. Each and every user will have the option to opt for KYC verification. Getting KYC verified will have more trust in the pool created by the creator. Under the “Create” section, we have the basic details like Name, KYC option where the creator can enable or disable the function for the pool contributors, Note section for the detailed description of the pool, Pool size for a specified number of allocation, No. of participants to allow a limited number of participants, and Allocation size to limit the maximum size of the pool.

The “Join” section is where users can join other pools and start their contributions. There will be multiple pools with different networks which are supported by the platform. Users can join each pool individually by switching to a network with a click of a button.

The next section under the pool is “Disperse” where users can provide a smart contract of a token in the selected network and provide all addresses with a number of tokens for each address and send the tokens in a single transaction. This disperses of tokens will be supported in Ethereum, BSC, and DOT networks.


We will be having our own staking and farming with good APR under the “Earn” section. To be noted is that all staking and farming will only be available to a limited number of users on a first come first serve basis. Since the PRB token has a fixed supply, the reward program will be limited to early adopters. We will be having more partners and their tokens farming on our platform to open the gate for more users.


The most interesting section in our platform is “FSC” which is known as “Flash Swap Combo”. This particular model of swapping combo was inspired by the FURUCOMBO platform. We are focusing on building Flash Swap Combo on both the Ethereum network and Binance Smart Chain network. The FSC is basically used for opportunities to arbitrage by connecting various DEXs in the form of combo and executing in a single transaction. The most interesting feature is flash loans. When an arbitrage opportunity is found, users can take a flash loan and execute the transaction without having any funds in their wallet and get the arbitraging profit. A small fee of 0.09% will be charged for taking flash loans. There are more things that can be done with FSC. Project developers can test their smart contract bugs or exploits by executing various transactions with different combo sets through FSC. Initial funds represent the funds required to execute the transaction. Receiving funds represent the funds that will be received after executing the transaction.

These are the expected features of Premium Block. More features to hit the platform soon. Stay updated! Stay safe!

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